Troubled Minds is an album of 14 songs by Suzie Stanford
Troubled Minds is an album of 14 songs by Suzie Stanford
Troubled Minds is an album of 14 songs by Suzie Stanford, herself a CPSTD sufferer, who has created the album to raise money for PTSD Resolution.
"I've set myself a challenge to create a music album and video. I've shared this journey publicly on my facebook page. Im not a musician, I've been told I cant sing, so it seemed to be a great challenge. I've written 5 songs and covered several songs and commissioned a music video. This project was funded by my father, who sadly passed away 13th august 2015. He served as a Coldstream Guard. He wanted to help his fellow brothers and sisters.
I feel so passionate that support is made available to our Military. To do that I need, with your help, to raise money to fund their treatment, I want to help these very important people in our lives, who went above and beyond to keep us safe and sacrificed all."
Price includes A4 poster, 8 Page Booklet and P&P.